Meet Otis, Animal Ambassador
As a calf only a few days old, Otis was purchased from an auction. Sick from the moment he was brought home, Otis was nursed back to health. Growing quickly, it became clear that a standard backyard would not be enough space for this growing boy. Otis was donated to the Ranch May of 2014 and has been an integral part ever since!
Otis greets our guests as they come onto the property. Standing alongside the fence, you simply cannot miss his enormous presence.
Otis likes to explore his surroundings and check out anything new that comes around. Farm equipment, other animals, people, nothing scares him!
Still a calf at heart, he will often come when he is called - he will move a bit quicker if you shake a bucket of sweet feed for him! Otis enjoys meeting new people, and the feeling is mutual! Standing over six feet tall, guest are amazed at his size and his gentle disposition. But don’t let his sweet face fool you! Otis can be quite the pain with his excitement come feeding time! Anytime we take a new round bale of hay into the yard, he is quick to make his way over to get the first bite - but not before he scratches his large head on the hay bale first!
We love his youthfulness, his personality and his ability to make friends with everyone!