Boots, Buckles & Bourbon Presented by Outback Steakhouse Rescue Ranch is proud to announce our signature fundraising event, Boots, Buckles & Bourbon Presented by Outback Steakhouse!
Join Rescue Ranch at Red Buffalo Brewing Co. on 5/25Exciting news! Rescue Ranch is teaming up with Red Buffalo Brewing Co. in downtown Statesville for a social event you won't want to miss!
Rescue Ranch recognized as one of National Charity Leagu... Rescue Ranch has been selected as one of the National Charity League's local community partners. This is a significant achievement for R...
Furry Friends & FinanceCalling all parents and guardians! Are you looking for an educational and fun program for your 3rd-5th graders on an upcoming ISS teache...
Rescue Ranch Celebrates National Volunteer Week!At Rescue Ranch, volunteers are an essential part of our operations. They play a crucial role in providing care and love to our animal a...
Meet the Animal Care Team, Leslie Smith and Maddie Hess!Rescue Ranch is so very lucky to have the talented, passionate dynamic duo taking care of our ambassadors. Both of these ladies come to ...
Rescue Ranch selected as a 2023 Sip It Forward® Recipien... Hoptown Brewing hosted the Sip It Forward 4 Miler 4 Charities on March 25, 2023! Runners & walkers received a Sip It Forward® token in t...
Rescue Ranch Names New Development and Humane Education ... Rescue Ranch in Statesville, North Carolina recently welcomed the addition of two new team members, Joan Rizzo as development manager an...
Beginner Buddies Sponsored by Generous DonorWe are very honored and pleased to announce that our March 27th Beginner Buddies program has been sponsored by a generous donor named Ka...
The Best of LKN features Krissie Newman, Co-Founder here... The Best of LKN features Krissie Newman, Co-Founder here at Rescue Ranch.
Sip it Forward Run/ Walk at Hoptown Brewing Get ready to lace up your sneakers for a good cause! Rescue Ranch is excited to announce we have been chosen to partner with Hoptown Bre...
Chipotle of Statesville Give Back Night!Attention all animal lovers and foodies! Are you looking for a way to support Rescue Ranch Look no further than Chipotle of Statesville...
Coffee With Critters Community Event at Rescue RanchRescue Ranch held Coffee with Critters on Friday, February 24th at the Ranch in Statesville.
Meet Lover, Animal AmbassadorMeet Lover, Animal Ambassador here at Rescue Ranch in Statesville, North Carolina.
Coffee with Critters is this FridayAs seen on WCNC CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Rescue Ranch's “Coffee with Critters” is coming up this Friday! This morning we were joined by Leslie ...
Spring Break Critter Camp: Daily & Weekly options for K-... The Spring Break Critter Camp here at Rescue Ranch is from 9a-4p on March 6-10, 2023!
Meet Velvet, Animal AmbassadorMeet Velvet, Animal Ambassador here at Rescue Ranch in Statesville, North Carolina. Velvet is a Solomon Island Eclectus Parrot who hatc...
Registration opens for Rescue Ranch’s Spring and Summer ... Critter Camps are designed to be fun, educational camp experiences for children who love animals.
Who says your Valentine must have two legs? ❤️It's Valentine's Day here at Rescue Ranch in Statesville, North Carolina.
Paisley UpdatePaisley, one of the miniature horses here at Rescue Ranch, is recovering well.
Meet Pineapple, Animal AmbassadorMeet Pineapple, Animal Ambassador here at Rescue Ranch in Statesville, North Carolina.
Wish List Wednesday: FerretsIt's Wish List Wednesday here at Rescue Ranch in Statesville, North Carolina! This week, Ferrets.
Meet Kiwi, Animal AmbassadorMeet Kiwi, Animal Ambassador here at Rescue Ranch in Statesville, North Carolina.
Wish List Wednesday: ReptilesIt's Wish List Wednesday here at Rescue Ranch in Statesville, North Carolina. This week, the Reptiles need your help.
Outdoor Explorers Day at Rescue RanchRescue Ranch in Statesville, North Carolina hosts Outdoor Explorers Day on Friday, November 11, 2022